Many would like to believe that governmental organizations and institutions were founded with the purpose of protecting a country's citizens and their children. However, as time passes by, and even more atrocious scandals are dug up and leaked, it is getting harder to believe that these institutions are put in place to protect the citizens.
Human greed knows no boundaries, and this is evidence of how bad the situation has become, that even children are being targeted now. Governments and health agencies sell vaccines and promote their use. Without even knowing the long-term effects of them. These figures that are established by multiple research studies tells it all. The results from a groundbreaking research shows shocking figures
A pilot study of 666 homeschooled children aging from six years to 12-year-olds was carried out. In this group of 666 children, 261 were unvaccinated while the other 405 children were partially or fully vaccinated. The results in the picture above were concluded at the end of the research. If this is not alarming enough, here are more figures: 43% out of thirty-two million American children suffer from at least one of 20 chronic illnesses not including obesity. In the past, pediatric disorders such as ADD and autism. Take autism for example: In the 80s, autism occurred 1 in 10,000 children, and this increased in the 90s: 1 in 2,500. Now? 1 in 68. Figures do not lie. Something is severely wrong with America's children. Many accounts that to bad food, environment, and bad computer habits, just to name a few. But is that really all? Can all these environmental and external problems actually cause such a drastic change in the number of children being diagnosed with a once-rare disorder? Logically, one would think that it would not. How could external factors caused such a drastic change, when environmental/external factors can be quite easily rectified with dedication and effort? This leads us to the next triggering question - Just what exactly causes this drastic increase in autism or other diseases in children? Vaccination. The greatest scandal in vaccination history would be that autism and vaccinations are linked - back in 2004, top scientist William Thompson, was revealed in a taped telephone conversation that he and his colleagues colluded to destroy evidence of a link between increased autism in kids and the MMR vaccine. This Thompson whistle blower case became the basis for a recent documentary that was released just last year, named Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe by Andrew Wakefield, one of the first few scientists who suggested this detrimental autism - MMR Vaccine link back in the 90s when vaccinations were widely publicized to all parents. This film is something that the CDC denies - for the sake of its own reputation. CDC has also failed to mention that the government is forced to acknowledge a link between autism and the MMR Vaccine - because even the courts have, and parents of autistic children have claimed damages. Traditionally, and on its own, ingredients found in vaccines are clearly known to have detrimental effects on the brain. Mercury is used in vaccines to preserve them, and Robert Kennedy Jr. Has long since jumped on the bandwagon of advocating against vaccines because these ingredients do cause harm in the long run. Recent research has thrown whatever was previously said about aluminum into the bin: It does not take aluminum a few days to excrete from the body, but the direct opposite: It stays in the body for months, even years, and can migrate to organs and cause them damage. There are many vaccines for many uses. However, was there any conclusive scientific evidence that vaccinations actually work? None. How can we trust governmental health agencies with the wellbeing of our children when they are so closely linked to pharmaceutical companies that are greedy for profit? Why are there even toxins in the vaccinations for our children? We need to find out the answers, and not following the flow when it comes to the well-being of our children just because the federal government says so.