Is Georgia Trying To Make Niqabs And Hijabs Illegal In Public?
Is Georgia Trying To Make Niqabs And Hijabs Illegal In Public?
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In Georgia, they are trying to make it a law that you cannot wear your niquab and hijab while driving and in public spaces.
Yes, foreal.👀👀🙎
So there was an anti-masking law that was passed in 1951 to keep the Ku Klux Klan members from committing anonymous racist violence while wearing white hoods and now one Georgia lawmaker wants this to include niquabs and hijabs so they can openly target Muslim women.
“House Bill 3, written by state Rep. Jason Spencer (R), aims to alter the language of Georgia’s anti-masking law to include women. This would make it a misdemeanor for anyone to wear any type of hood or veil — including niqabs and hijabs — while , according to a report by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.”-
Currently, the law reads:
A person is guilty of a misdemeanor when he wears a mask, hood, or device by which any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed or covered as the conceal the identity of the wearer and is upon any public way or public property or upon the private property of another without the written permission of the owner or occupier of the property to do so.
Spencer wants to insert the words “or she” into the above law, expanding the restriction to Muslim women, says the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Oh and there is more, the bill would also add this line to the current law: “For the purposes of this subsection, the phrase ‘upon any public way or property’ includes but is not limited to operating a motor vehicle upon any public street, road, or highway.” It would also forbid Muslim women from wearing veils in government ID photos.
Local Muslims are aware of the upcoming bill, and community leaders say they won’t allow it to move through the legislature without opposition.
“The bill is a bad solution to a nonexistent problem,” Edward Ahmed Mitchell, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Georgia, told The Huffington Post. “[These Muslim women] are not endangering themselves or anyone else. We have a new president, but not a new Constitution. The bill is unnecessary and unconstitutional, and we intend to oppose it if it goes forward.”
Well said Mitchell! I hope they get this bill opposed and quick. See what Trump getting elected has done? They are trying to make America, Germany in the early 1940’s.
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